Monthly Archives: August 2016

4 essential strategies for english learners
Get your free English grammar booklet and regular lessons from me by email.  If you’re reading this, then you’re probably hoping to become a better English learner. That’s great! With this in mind, I’ve written this article which sets out four essential vocabulary learning strategies that will help you become a more fluent and confident English speaker. Read on to find out what they are! 1. Learn collocations Collocations are two or more words that usually go together. These combinations of words sound natural and ‘right’ to native English speakers. That’s why it’s important for you to learn them – […]

4 Essential Strategies for English Learners

10 things monolingual people will never understand
1. Wanting to learn a language for no reason whatsoever Yes, I’m learning Haitian Creole. No, I’m not going to Haiti. And I’m not married to a person from Haiti. And I’m not working with people from Haiti. I just like the sound of their language!  2. That feeling when you walk into a language bookshop And it’s like walking into a sweet shop as a child. It’s magic. 3. That feeling when you’re watching a foreign film and you spot a mistake in the subtitles They always mistranslate X – they should know better! 4. The urge to buy […]

10 Things Monolingual People Will Never Understand