Your Top 5 Favourite Posts on 5-Minute Language in 2016

most popular on 5-minute language in 2016

It’s almost the end of December and it’s time to look back over 2016!

This post celebrates the five most popular articles on 5-Minute Language in 2016. The five articles most read by you guys! Thank you for supporting 5-Minute Language this year – it means a lot to me!

So, let’s get started!

1. 10 Things Monolingual People Will Never Understand 

This one is a real gem – it’s the most popular article on 5-Minute Language in 2016, and the second most popular ever! It’s also the most frequently shared blog post from 5-Minute Language ever – probably because I know you guys thought it’s funny!

If you haven’t read it yet, here it is!

2. How to Sound Like a Native Speaker in a Foreign Language

This one is number two most popular in 2016 and I think I know why! Speaking is often the area that most language learners find the most difficult, even if they’re quite advanced. Everyone loves to perfect their pronunciation a little bit and this post has some useful tips on how to do that. Check it out!

3. How to Learn and Maintain Multiple Languages at the Same Time 

This is number three most popular in 2016 and number one of all time! Thanks for reading it, guys! I imagine this post is something many of you polyglots and aspiring polyglots appreciate – tips on how to learn not just one but two or more foreign languages.

4. Is Polish Difficult to Learn? 

I’m quite surprised by the popularity of this one, to be honest with you! I always thought Polish was quite an obscure language but it turns out many of you are interested in it! Or at least interested in how difficult (or not!) it is 🙂 If you’d like to know the answer to this question, check it out here:

5. How to Set SMART Goals for Language Learning 

This one is an important article – goal setting is something many of you will be doing for 2017 so check it out if you haven’t already! And, if one of your goals is to really stick to your new year’s resolutions, make sure you sign up for my free programme – The Vocab Club (its aim is to motivate you to stick to your language goals – not just in January but throughout 2017!).

Let’s make 2017 the best year for language learning ever! Are you with me?


the vocab club