Monthly Archives: June 2017

5 facts about language learning backed by science
What I tend to do on this blog is share with you some of the tips and techniques that have worked for me and helped me learn foreign languages effectively. They’re my tips and my opinions, though. And what works for me, won’t always work for everyone else. So, I thought it would be interesting to look into what science has to say about language learning. Here are five fun facts about language learning backed by science! 1. Spaced repetition really works Spaced repetition is a language learning technique that helps you keep the words you learn fresh in your […]

5 Facts about Language Learning Backed by Science

the biggest mistakes language learners make
I’ve written about language learning mistakes before. There are many standard mistakes that we all make at different points of our language learning journeys. But there is one big mistake that I think trumps them all. It’s a mistake that is most likely to stall your progress and prevent you from moving forward. Do you want to find out what it is? Check out the video! Or, if you’d rather read about it, scroll down and continue reading. The biggest language learning mistake I can think of is being comfortable. For many of us, being comfortable is what we strive […]

The Biggest Mistake Language Learners Make